I immediately booked a slot for my kids when I saw this news that kids below the age of 18 are given free flu vaccine. I was nervous since I can only bluff the kids one time and after that, the injection pain would prevent them from believing me again.
So, there we were, early and got the shots for the kids. After that, the nightmare began. Apparently, it is no longer free flu vaccine for children. There was a change and I could not find any updated information from MOH site, polyclinic site or anywhere with the official news that kids have to pay for the flu vaccine.
So, I sent an email asking for clarifications despite fuming from the lies. So, the staff contacted me and stated that only children aged 5 and below were given the free flu vaccine. The rest have to pay. So, my next question was how come there was no press release?
They gave me an answer of “no internet access”. I know all government sectors are limited in terms of internet access to prevent data leakage but that was the pits. The shittiest excuse ever. Government sectors are supposed to have a press release for any changes to the updates that the public is supposed to know. This is how you prevent your staff from being abused over such matters! Reduce the number of complaints!
See Annex C. Screenshot below in case they update after this was posted.

Link to list of vaccines based on kids for NCIS. If you require the citizens to update on time, you do your part to update on time too. It’s a 2 way street.