It is with horror that news of mothers forcing their daughters into prostitution. I have no idea what goes on in their heads by forcing their young daughters into such acts. Those lewd men are equally at fault for even committing the act. It constitutes as rape, IMO.
Debts can throw people into desperate acts of measure. This girl was forced to sleep with a man just to settle a debt. The fastest way to get money and traumatic too.
This mother who sold her daughter to prostitution is now on parole. Say what? Then this mother is going to spend her next 150 years or rather, 75 years, in jail for sending her 2 daughters into the sex trade. Seriously, what is wrong with them?
I cannot believe that the daughters are born just to be thrown to the wolves in their teenage years. The acts of horror are committed just in the name of money. Or for the satisfaction of bullying the girls?
I shudder to think of what the girls will grow up into. Will they be so traumatised that they develop problems later on?